2 апр. 2017 г.

интервью тайландскому журналу "vomit zine"

- Hello! “Hydrocele” It is a great honor that you taking the time to answer this interview. First of all, it helps to introduce band members and tell me about the short history of Hydrocele to all fans.
[ENG]Hello Vomit Zine. The two of us: Sasha Fursov - Drum (Inopexia), Sergey Krechetov - Guitar, Vocals, Prog. (Menometrorrhagia, Sacrococcygeal Teratoma, Tumors of the Hypothalamus and Neurohypophysis of Neuroepithelial Origin, Candidal Vulvovaginitis and other ...). The project was created in 2012, the same year and was a first EP, which was parallel with the stored album “Myocardical Biopsy had a Lethal Otkome”, Inopexia project. Guidelines were projects such as: Last Days Of Humanity, Foetopsy, Anal Cunt.
[RUS]Привет Vomit Zine. Нас двое:Саша Фурсов - Drum (Inopexia), Сережа Кречетов - Guitar, Vocals, Prog. (Menometrorrhagia, Sacrococcygeal Teratoma, Tumors of the Hypothalamus and Neurohypophysis of Neuroepithelial Origin, Candidal Vulvovaginitis and other ...). Проект был создан в 2012 году, тогда же и вышла первая EP, которая была записанна паралельно с альбомом “Myocardical Biopsy had a Lethal Otkome”, Inopexia. Ориентирами были такие проекты, как: Last Days Of Humanity, Foetopsy, Anal Cunt.
- How you got the name " Hydrocele " It has a special meaning?
[ENG]I read forensic medicine, and I liked the disease - we decided to give a name for the project. WE LOVE THE WATER!
[RUS] Я читал судебную медицину, и мне приглянулась эта болезнь - мы решили дать такое имя проекту. МЫ ЛЮБИМ ВОДУ!
- How you divide the produce a song and who are drawing this LOGO?
[ENG]I draw logos, etc. Material flows from us, a lot of noise!
[RUS] Я рисую логотипы и т.д. Материал льется из нас, МНОГО ШУМА!
- What are those inspirations of you guys in this band?
- Can you tell me about near plan like; tour, album, split?
[ENG] My friend, until there are no plans, we are not able to rehearse, gangs offer splits, but unfortunately we refuse. Follow the news!
[RUS] Дружище, пока планов нет, у нас нет возможности репетировать, банды предлагают сплиты, но, к сожалению, мы отказываем. Следите за новостями!
- Because you have a multi-band. Do you have trouble making music.With other bands or not
[ENG] Latest releases were recorded in my bedroom, I got to the studio recording drums from Sasha. With this we have never had any problems.
[RUS] Последние релизы были записаны в моей спальне, я получал записи барабанов со студии от саши. С этим у нас никогда не было проблем.
- Can you tell me about fucking scum story in your city? I mean if it ever happens.
[ENG] hide my location
[RUS] скрываю свое местоположение
- Do you know about Thailand scene or not?
[ENG] No
[RUS] Нет
- We could have the opportunity to see you guys play live show in Thailand?
[ENG]Waiting for invitations, haha. I love to travel, I think it would be wonderful.
[RUS] Жду приглашения, ха-ха. Я люблю путешествовать, думаю это было бы замечательно.
- Please tell me about top 10 GORE BAND
1. Carcass
2. Anal Cunt
3. Last Days Of Humanity
4. Regurgitate
5. Lymphatic Phlegm
6. Foetopsy
7. Dysmenorrheic Hemorrhage
- Last question please say some thing to all fans
[ENG]Thank you all, continue to listen to the noise!

[RUS]Всем спасибо, продолжайте слушать шум!

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